Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Exclusive Mass Tort Leads-Mass Tort Leads Ready To Litigate

Mass Tort Leads Ready To Litigate

If your law firm handles mass tort or class action lawsuits, you’ll want to talk to us!

What’s the hardest task for your firm?

Obtaining cases right?

Well not anymore!

We provide highly qualified mass tort clients to your firm.

Here are the details to make your life easier and more productive.

  • We take your law firms HIPAA/HITECH/Retainer and supply that to our nationwide medical investigation team.
  • When we investigate a qualified plaintiff based on criteria you provide, the medical investigator sets an appointment with the plaintiff.
  • The medical investigator will take your paper work, have it signed and get any additional information that may be pertinent to the case. (ex. prescription bottle, pictures of leg amputation for Invokana, hair damage for Taxotere, medical records, driver’s license and health insurance card, etc.)
  • We scan all documents and send them to your intake department.
  • All plaintiff documents MUST be signed for the lead to be sent to you. If the plaintiff does not sign all of the documents, you are not sent the lead.  No risk to your firm.

signed mass tort leads

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